FCPS / FRCPath Mock Examination Course (Histopathology) was held at FUMC on 15 & 16 June 2021 as part of CPD/CME activity in Foundation University Islamabad. It was accredited for 18 contact hours by PMDC.
The Mock Examination Course was organized by Professor Brig (R) Tariq Sarfraz, SI (M), Consultant Histopathologist & Head of Pathology Department, Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad.
The organizing committee included Prof Brig (R) Dr. Tariq Sarfraz, Col Jawwad Anis Khan (Rets), Prof Dr. Mumtaz Ahmad Khan, Dr. Yasmin Wahid, Dr. Saba Aneeqa (Focal person), Dr Rehana Ramzan, Dr Ghazala Rustam, Dr Shabana Abbass and Dr Malghalara Khattak.
The course was attended by a total number of 40 candidates, including 30 post graduate trainees and 10 consultants. The participants were from different cities of the country, including Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Multan and Quetta.
The Mock Examination Course addressed all the contents of FCPS and FRCPath (Histopathology) Examinations, including Histopathology, Cytopathology, Long cases, Frozen sections and Gross specimens.
On the first day of Mock Examination Course (15 June 2021), in the morning session, the participants were given 30 histopathology cases to see, make their diagnoses and report writing. Microscopes were provided to all the participants. In the afternoon session, the participants were provided with 15 Cytopathology cases, 05 Long cases, 05 Frozen sections and 05 Gross specimens. In the evening session, vivas of Frozen sections and Gross specimens were conducted by the consultant histopathologists.
On the second day (16 June 2021), discussion on all cases was done by the Professor Brig (R) Tariq Sarfraz, Consultant Histopathologist and Head of Pathology Department. In the morning session, the approach to FCPS / FRCPath Examination was discussed by Professor Brig (R) Tariq Sarfraz, Consultant Histopathologist and Head of Pathology Department and what the Examiners are looking for was also highlighted. After this introductory lecture, discussion on Histopathology cases and long cases was done by Professor Brig (R) Tariq Sarfraz, Consultant Histopathologist and Head of Pathology Department. After a short tea break, Cytopathology cases were discussed along with approach to Cytopathology. After lunch, discussion on Frozen sections and Gross Specimens was done along with approach to handle them, by Brig (R) Tariq Sarfraz, Consultant Histopathologist and Head of Pathology Department.
In the evening, closing ceremony was held. The Director FUIC / Principal Foundation University Medical College, Major General Jawad Khaliq Ansari, HI (M), (Retd) graced the occasion as Chief Guest and distributed the certificates and shields among the participants and the organizers. A shield was also presented to the chief guest by head of pathology department with special thanks to encourage the pathology faculty by gracing the occasion with his presence.
In the closing address, the chief guest appreciated the efforts of Pathology department in conducting a very well organized Mock Examination Course and providing a full dress rehearsal to the candidates before appearing in actual examination. He also emphasized about the importance of the ongoing academic activities, which are extremely important to uplift the academic and professional image of an institute and are very essential to update the knowledge of health care professionals.
The day ended with lots of positive energy, the enthusiasm of gaining more knowledge, working more harder and with the prayers that ALLAH Almighty makes us more wise and beneficial for our patients. The participants really liked this academic activity and their feedback was very positive and encouraging for the department.