Lt Col Zulfiqar Ali Alvi TI (M), (Retd)
Students Hub has been established to provide one window facility to the parents / students and admission desirous candidates and students who seek the information about the admission, examinations, results, payments and all related details from admission till graduation and beyond. The Students Hub is located at the campus entry point which is envisioned to facilitate the student and visitors. As by it offering a variety of services to students and facilitates their extra and co-curricular activities.
Phone Office: 051-5789462
Email: msa_fumc@fui.edu.pk
Foundation University Islamabad, Defence Avenue, Phase-I, DHA
Postal Code: 44000
Phone: +92-51-5788171, +92-51-5788250 Ext: 415, 416, 205 , +92-51-5788582