The rationale behind FUMC curriculum is that the student, on graduation, acquires competencies defined in the curriculum to practice both nationally and internationally. The curriculum is designed in context of the prevailing conditions both in education and health delivery restraints nationally, and making it as close to International Standards as possible.
The content of this 5-year curriculum is in accordance with the curricular document of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. It has been arranged into modules in a spiral manner with both horizontal and vertical integration.
The curricular document defines the terminal objectives or outcomes. The LOs written are in line with the Learning outcomes mentioned in the PM&DC curricular document, for developing a Seven Star Doctor, Tomorrow’s Doctor 2011 of General Medical Council of UK, Scottish Doctor and Five Star Doctor of World Health Organization.
The main emphasis is on the desired knowledge, skills, attitudes, community health and health advocacy, research and lifelong learning required from successful graduates of FUMC to practice as a safe and professional doctor.
The outcomes of FUMC are in five main domains.
Professionalism and Ethics (Attitude)
1. FUMC Graduate will be able to demonstrate acquired attributes of professionalism and ethical values. The graduate will be able to:
- Know about ethical guidelines of regulatory authority including Best Medical Practices.
- Demonstrate awareness of his/her responsibilities as a doctor towards care of the patient.
- Displays high standard of Ethical Values including politeness, sympathetic, sacrifice for others, respect to colleagues and patients, obedience to superiors, and rights of the society.
- Demonstrates knowledge of national and International laws related to health care, patient rights, death certification and forensic practice.
- Work effectively as a member of multidisciplinary team involved in health care delivery.
- Demonstrates ability to build a team, assigning roles to team members and attributes of good team leader.
2. FUMC Graduate will be able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of all medical subjects and is able to correlate and apply this knowledge to medical practice. The graduate will be able to:
- Correlate normal structure and functions of the human body.
- Differentiate and explain between normal and abnormal structure and function.
- Differentiate between normal and abnormal human behavior.
- Understand effects of development, growth and aging.
- Demonstrates thorough knowledge of substances, include local remedies and alternate medical provisions used in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
- Applies this knowledge to prevent and treat common clinical conditions.
- Know genetic abnormalities in the populations.
- Make observations of resulting clinical phenomena accurately.
- Select and justify investigations for common structural and functional abnormalities.
- Performs critical analyses of clinical data accurately.
- Develops problem solving and critical thinking skills.
3. FUMC Graduate will be able to demonstrate skills required for identification and management of common clinical conditions. The graduate will be able to:
- Take detailed history.
- Perform full physical and psychological examination.
- Formulate provisional diagnoses.
- Order appropriate investigations.
- Make a final diagnosis on the basis of history, examination and investigations.
- Make appropriate treatment plan using principles of evidence based medicine.
- Select most appropriate and cost effective drugs.
- Discuss treatment plan and treatment modalities with the patient and caring relative(s) including other options and possible outcomes.
- Communicate clearly, effectively and sensitively his plan of management of the patient and all aspects of disease and outcomes of treatment.
- To provide immediate care, including first aid, resuscitation and life support, in medical emergencies.
- Recognize and work within limits of his competence and decide to refer to appropriate specialist where required.
- Carry out diagnostic and therapeutic practical procedures safely and effectively.
- Record, collect and maintain all information relevant to the patient observing the requirements of confidentiality.
Community Health and Health advocacy
4. FUMC Graduate will be able demonstrate knowledge of Community Health, Policy formulation and Governance. The graduate will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of common health issues of the community including those of communicable diseases, environmental diseases, genetic diseases and non-communicable diseases.
- Discuss basic principles of improvement of Health of the Community.
- Discuss the principles of development of health and health service policy.
- Discuss the role of nutrition in health.
- Demonstrates knowledge of Socio-cultural and Economic factors that influence the health of community.
- Demonstrates knowledge of addressing these issues and formulate policies and methods for this purpose.
- Know global perspective of health determinants and health care delivery.
- Discuss Collaborative Health promotion and prevention of disease programmes.
- Demonstrates attributes of a good manager and a leader.
Research and Lifelong learning
5. FUMC Graduate will be able to demonstrate attributes of a Scientist, Scholar and a lifelong learner. The graduate will be able to:
- Use all electronic means of data search, storage and retrieval.
- Critically appraise the results of published data on etiology, pathology treatment and prognosis of diseases.
- Formulate research questions and design appropriate studies, experiments and trials to address these questions.
- Collect published evidence in support of or against his findings and report his findings as a publishable paper.
- Understands ethical issues involved in medical research.
- Communicate to the audience results of his studies and summary of his knowledge and experiences in conferences, seminars and symposia.
- Continuously acquire new knowledge, ensure that the patient receives best care and adapts to changing circumstances.
- Maintains balance between personal and professional life
- Develops portfolio of reflections and achievements.
- Contribute towards feedback and student mentoring.