TRAINING WORKSHOP on “PINK RIBBON: Self Breast Examination for early detection”
Be an advocate! Educate and Empower

Every year more than forty thousand women of Pakistan die due to breast cancer. Keeping the spirit alive of arranging pink ribbon day for last four years, this year also Department of Community Medicine under the guidance of HOD Brig Prof Dr Naila Azam® arranged a training workshop on 19th October, 2022 of 01 CME credit. Dr. Tahira Amjad, Assoc Prof Community medicine being incharge of workshop applied training of trainers (ToT) model for self-breast examination for early detection. The participants were female faculty members and students from FUMC, FUCD, FUCP and FUCN. The workshop began with recitation of Holy Quran. The Director FUSH Maj Gen Imran Fazal HI(M) Retd gave his remarks and appreciated the efforts of faculty of Community Medicine for this noble cause. The power point presentations on what is breast cancer? Protocols and demonstrations of Self Breast Examination were presented by FCPS residents: Dr. Fatima Ali Raza, Dr. Sarah Bakhsh and Dr. Asma Anjum respectively. The whole faculty and residents of community medicine laid strong emphasis on Advocacy and emphasized upon participants in the light teach back techniques for their better understanding. The participants took active part in practice sessions. These one hundred and six participants took pledge to be “an Advocate! Educate and Empower” at least ten other females from community within a month time achieving a minimum target of one thousand females. Their contribution towards the community will be acknowledged by certificates of appreciation.

Wall PinkRibbon