Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) guide 2012 strongly recommended that every medical student should understand research methods and the benefits that research brings to their profession. In this regard, under the guidance of worthy HOD Prof Brig® Dr. Naila Azam, Community Medicine department, FUMC conducted research activity for whole class divided in 4 batches. On 26th November, 2021, the last batch D presented their research synopsis under the mentorship of respective faculty members.
The synopsis were evaluated by the panel of respected senior faculty members from the department. The students learned how to do literature search, construct objectives and plan methodology for their own projects. The presentations were on various topics related to Maternal and child health- (postpartum depression, birth preparedness, children eating behaviors), Quality of life among patients of Tuberculosis, Self- management practices among diabetics, Health literacy and social disconnection among university students.